Get the lead out of communities

Find lead without destroying things.

We are researching to build an extremely low cost and simple way to find lead in your community. Join us and upload or record the needed data on our site or app, and find the lead.

about FIND82

Who is it
built for?

We are building our platform to be simple to use and scalable. It is intuitive and doesn't require any training.

Built for Utilities
Built for Surveyors
Built for Contractors
Built for Citizens
about FIND82

Our Team

Built by a team of driven engineers and advisors.

about FINd82

Frequently asked questions

What data do I need?

None! This is a detection based model. You can give our platform to anyone and allow them to check for lead themselves or go out and do it with your team.

Is this predictive modeling?

No. We don't look at property data or historical records, this is a detection based model that relies on real world data in order to understand what is in the environment.

How do I get started?

The most important question! To get started sign up or just contact us below and we will reach out to you to setup an introductory call to go over our methodology and give you everything you need to be successful.

Contact us

Want to get a demo? Get more info? Or just chat? Submit your information and we will reach out to you soon!

Let's work Together to make tomorrow Better
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